Eudora Light Distribution

QUALCOMM Incorporated permits distribution of Eudora Light for commercial purposes only pursuant to a Eudora Light Distribution Agreement and subject to the terms described below. "Commercial Distribution" includes any use, copying, downloading, promotion or distribution of Eudora Light other than for personal or family use or use by a business, educational institution or similar organization for other than its own internal communications purposes. Examples are inclusion of Eudora Light on media in a book, magazine or newsletter, making the software available on ftp and/or Web site, distribution by software vendors or Internet access providers, or distribution in bundles with other products. No charge may be made for Eudora Light, other than as necessary to recoup costs of duplication, packaging and shipping.

Two signed copies of the Distribution Agreement must be returned via mail or delivery service to

QUALCOMM Incorporated
6455 Lusk Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92121-2779
Attn: Eudora Light Administration
Fax (619) 658 1500

The User Manual provided by QUALCOMM, or a document with similar content, and the commercial product information supplied by QUALCOMM must be provided to each distributee. First line support, including installation support, must be provided by the Distributor to each distributee, other than distributions involving publications.

Delivery of Eudora Light Distribution Kit

Within fifteen days of QUALCOMM's receipt of the signed Agreement, a Eudora Light Distribution Kit will be shipped to the named Distributor. The Kit includes a master diskette set containing the software for the Mac and/or Windows platform, the user manual and commercial product information in electronic format, and official Eudora Light logo and instructions. In addition, bug fixes and updates will be made available, either electronically or via delivery of a new master diskette set. QUALCOMM does not provide technical support to Eudora Light users, although the user manual, on-line help and user mail lists are helpful in this regard. Due to the volume of Eudora Light distribution transactions, we do not negotiate the terms of the Agreement. However, questions may be sent via e-mail to

QUALCOMM Incorporated permits use of Eudora screen shots in publications and tutorials. If the screen shots are used in later editions, we ask that you obtain updated versions of our screens for those editions. Please indicate QUALCOMM's copyright in any screenshots and include the following notice in the materials: "Eudora is a registered trademark of QUALCOMM Incorporated."

QUALCOMM permits you to excerpt the Eudora Light User Manual to prepare tutorials and reference guides for users of Eudora Light Software, or for inclusion in publications. Please use QUALCOMM's copright notice with respect to the excerpted portion, and use the following Eudora trademark notice: "Eudora is a registered trademark of QUALCOMM Incorporated."

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